Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thursday, September 6th

Here is our agenda of the day!

  • Mr.M waited outside for the students wearing his Soviet Army hat and red scarf. Students were told to leave everything behind. They would be taken care of by their new government headed by the glorious leader! Thus began our Command Economy simulation. After waiting in frustrating lines, students weren't able to accomplish the task they needed to do and they felt "lied" to by their Glorious Leader. Perfect!
  • After debriefing the simulation, we read over the homework from the night before "Growing Up In A Command Economic System". We made comparisons with the traditional economy. We also looked for similarities in the reading with the simulation in class. 
  • Students then downloaded the notes for the Command Economic System to be ready for the next day!
Soviet bread line stretches around the block!

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