Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday, September 7th, 2012

Today's Agenda:
  • Mr M began the class with a lecture on the Command economic system. Students took notes and asked questions. 
  • Then, we looked at what happened in 1989 - a year of change. 
  • Students watched video of Ceaucescu's last speech and the beginning of the Revolution. Mr. M explained that revolution is "change". We then viewed video of a reporter trying to tell a story in the middle of a gunfight, crowds cheering for freedom and death to Ceaucescu, and the capture of two secret policemen.
  • We also looked at Tiananamen Square and the Fall of the Berlin Wall. Mr.M tied it all back to the system people were living under - a command/planned economic system. 
  • Mr.M introduced another of the 6 Core Economic Principles - Choices people make come with consequences - one needs to look no further than the revolutions and protests of 1989 to understand why people want change and freedom from oppressive and unfair economic systems.

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