Thursday, September 6, 2012

Wednesday, September 5th

This was our plan for class today:

  • Began with a quick review of the Feudalism activity the day before. Students took a moment and wrote in their journals. The title of the journal was Journal Entry #1 9/5  Feudalism-How was it as an economic system? Students shared their responses. It gave students an opportunity to remember our lesson from the day before - what is an economic system?
  • We moved on to the main topic of today - The Tradition-based Economic System.
  • Students took a quick T/F quiz about the reading the night before. The reading was Chapter 2 of the book Facing The Lion
  • Next, students worked in groups, sharing their answers from the night before about the Maasai in the reading. Then the groups shared with the class their responses to the questions about the chapter. The focus was on the traditions of the Maasai. The Maasai have a traditional way of life and this includes how they run their "economy". 
  • In the end, Mr. M showed a clip of Joseph Lekuton speaking on TED. Mr. Lekuton wrote the book Facing The Lion. Then, we watched two lion hunt clips from youtube. One done the traditional Maasai way (with spears!) the other with modern weapons. Didn't matter to the lion they always went after those that provoked them. 

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