Monday, October 31, 2011

Monday, October 31st

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!Here is what we did today:

  • Intro - “Last week you were learning about Money - this week we will begin a look Financial Institutions and the important part they play in our economic system.”(Students need their JA workbooks!!)
  • Savers and Lenders Activity - Impossible exercise to show the need for banks!
  • The need for banks! What are Financial Institutions? (Page 4 in the JA workbook) Class was divided into six, small groups. Groups were assigned one of the six paragraphs of the Student Overview. Each group summarized the information to answer the question found in each paragraph heading. Each group prepared bullet points that summarized the information gathered. Next, each group presented its findings to the class.
  • Banks notes  – power point and lecture
Banks 2011
Banks Fall 2011

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