Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tuesday, November 1st!

Welcome to November! The year is flying by!

Today's Agenda was:
  • Introduction to Lesson: For many Americans, debit cards are quickly replacing personal checks as a means of making payments. You need to learn to recognize the difference between a debit card and an ATM card. Today we will be looking at ATM cards and Debit cards.
  • ATM card and Debit card True/False exercise. Students did this individually. Using the white board, we made tally marks for each question based on what the students say.
  • ATM cards and Debit cards – What’s the Difference?(Power point lecture)
  • Using the JA workbook (page 7) Students then real aloud – Debit Cards: Beyond Cash and Checks – after reading this aloud and the PowerPoint above – students corrected any answers on the True/False exercise. Question #9 led into the next topic – Understanding the importance of how Checking Accounts and Debit Cards work – keeping accurate records!
  • Understanding the importance of how Checking Accounts and Debit Cards Work – keeping accurate records! –Using the JA workbook (pages 8 and 9) students worked in partners to complete the Check Register on page 9 using the payments/deposits on page 8.
ATM Cards and Debit Cards 2011

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