Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Wednesday, September 4th, 2013

Hello There! Our agenda today was:

  • Mr. M checked to make sure all students have their folder shared with me on Google Drive. Students created a folder for class and placed the first item in there.
  • Mr. M reviewed the introduction to the first two Core Economic Principles - People Choose and All Choices come with Costs!
  • This led into a discussion about Tinstaafl - "There is no such thing as a free lunch." Students shared what they thought it meant. 
  • Mr. M then explained "Opportunity Cost". Lots of real life examples were shared and discussed from things relevant to their life all the way up to the current crisis with Syria and the President's possible decision to punish the Syrian's for their use of chemical weapons against their people.
  • Student's then worked on more situations and were to construct a cost/benefit analysis for each. 

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