Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thursday, September 5th, 2013

Greetings! Today we:

  • Spent a few more minutes getting everyone up to speed with their Google Drive folders and organization!  Organization - it is the key to success!
  • Next, we discussed some of the opportunity cost questions assigned from the night before. Students did a nice job.
  • Then, we transitioned into the topic of RESOURCES. Mr.M explained that scarcity is caused by the fact that our wants/needs are greater than the available resources.  So, what are these resources?
  • Each student received a chocolate chip cookie. Working in their groups they tried to come up with a list of everything, I mean everything that was used to help make that tasty little thing.
  • Groups shared their lists. Mr. M curiously organized these into 4 groups on a white board.
  • Then, Mr.M shared what each category was labeled - Natural, Human, Capital, and Entrepreneur!
  • Students fetched the Factors of Production from the myUSM site and we began to fill in some info while chomping on their cookies.
How many resources do you think were used to make this guy?

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