Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wednesday, August 29th, 2012

Here is our agenda for the day:

  • Reviewed the Cost/Benefit situations from the night before. Students shared their work.
  • Began to take a closer look at the Factors of Production. Mr. M shared the notes via Edmodo.
  • Hershey Nugget competition - students each received a Hershey nugget. In their teams, they tried to determine all of the different resources which could possibly be used in the production of their tasty morsels. Then Mr. M (using a Family Feud template) gave the students an opportunity to find out if their answers made it into the top ten. Points were received. MOst points earned extra tasty nuggets at the end. 
  • Mr. M then proceeded to discuss the different productive resources - defining them further.

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