Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tuesday, August 28th

Today's agenda was:
Get it? The "free lunch" costs $10! No such thing as a free lunch!

  • First, a little house keeping:
    • Put economics binders together
    • Talked about Marco Polo Blackberry survey
    • Re-saved the homework last night with new instructions
    • Created new folder in SS folder on their desktops
    • Made sure all had the 6 Core Principles of Economics notes from Edmodo
  • Began our study of Economics:
    • Explained root of the word Economics - Greek word - Oikonomos
    • Explained Micro and Macro economics
    • Talked about homework and asked what they thought "There is no such thing as a free lunch" meant.
  • Students shared their thoughts via the Air Parrot
  • We wrote down the first two principles of economics.
  • We discussed the two situations from homework. Mr. M provided many other examples. 

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