Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thursday, November 5th

Topic - Banks - what financial institutions exist in our country? What services to banks offer? Why use a bank? What are the different types of savings accounts? What is the most important service banks offer? How does access to a loan make our lives better?

Transitioning to KIVA - What is microfinance? microloans? What is a Third World country? What is it like to live there? Do people have the chance to make their lives better? Loans? NO - The students will no become the bank/lender. Kiva begins tomorrow but students learned they will get into groups and produce/create unique goods and services that they will sell for money. This money will be then given away as a loan to a needy business (of their choice) in a third world country. We examined the Kiva site and our class lender page.

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