Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday, November 23rd

Welcome to our final economics unit. Our last unit will cover the government's role in economics and business structures. Today, we started class by reviewing the test. Then, to begin, a student was chosen to act as Elizabeth Bentley, a real child laborer from early in the industrial revolution. Mr. M talked about the role of government today - how it is growing in its powers and influence in our lives. Even though that is a hot topic today there is still a role for government that has been around since the founding fathers - to protect the rights of the people, yes, even children. So, we talked a little about the industrial revolution, child labor, and the need for someone to stand up for the kids. Mr. M showed the students some photographs of maimed child laborers and read some personnel narratives as well. We ended class by defining what a revolution is and began to talk about a Factory System of Labor vs. the Cottage System.

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