Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wednesday, November 16th

Okay, here is what we did today:
  • Final preparations for our visit to Junior Achievement (collected forms, questions, procedure, etc...)
  • Collected Stock Team Reports (#5) - stock talk - teams are doing well. (5 teams in top 50 out of 1300 teams)
  • Online Review Quiz....Review - discussed the review quiz on Money and Banking from the night before.
  • Examined the study guide for the upcoming Money and Banking Test.
  • Lesson: Introduction to the World of Microfinance! "What if I gave you the opportunity to make someone's life better, would you do it?" Mr. M introduced KIVA and our KIVA Project. We browsed through our class KIVA page, looked at people we have loaned to in the past, viewed lots of stats, facts, and figures, and students were given a brief profile on an entrepreneur desiring a loan.We discussed these people and shared info with each other! More to follow in the coming days!

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