Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thursday, November 3rd

Here is our agenda for today:
  • Homework Review – discuss the reading from the night before – Using Credit – A Big Decision (Advantages and Disadvantages of Credit).
  • Finished the Frontline video
  • Today, we continued looking at Credit by specifically looking at how hard it is to pay off credit card debt if you find yourself in that terrible hole! Let these few video clips sink in!
Hard to get out of debt!
A student's sad example
College students sinking in debt!
  • After the videos – use the Cost of Using Credit to finish out this look at how damaging it can be if someone mismanages their credit cards. How much is it really costing you to borrow a $1000? Answer - $1349 (can you believe that? To pay $1349 to use the credit card company’s $1000 – Wow!)
  • Some began work on their homework = Credit Scenarios.

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